Caringbah Family Practice' Front Desk

Health Assessment

Best Health Assessment in Caringbah

Your path to better health

We can assess your overall health and give you advice on how to improve your health and wellbeing.

Prevention is always better than treatment. That’s why we recommend having a regular health assessment so you can identify risks and take active steps to reduce them.

We conduct health assessments at Caringbah Family Practice so you can gain a big picture view of your health.

We’ll ask you questions about your lifestyle and family history, measure your height and weight, take your blood pressure and perform a blood test. We’ll then provide you with tailored advice about your diet, physical activity, any medication you take for a chronic condition, how to lose weight and more.

Having a regular health assessment is the best way to identify potential health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and stroke. In some cases, a health assessment may be requested by an employer to evaluate your fitness to do a job.

Call today and we can book you in for a health assessment. It’s the best way to ensure you make the right decisions about your own health and wellbeing – and that of your loved ones.

  • Gain a ‘big picture’ view of your health
  • Identify risks to your health
  • Understand how to manage health risks
  • Enjoy peace of mind
Book an appointment today