Caringbah Family Practice' Front Desk

Family Planning

Caringbah Family Practice's Women's Health Services

Pregnancy and family planning

We offer a range of advice and services so you can make informed decisions about pregnancy and starting a family.

Starting a family can be one of the most exciting decisions you’ll ever make. But pregnancy requires planning and it’s a journey sometimes beset with challenges.

At Caringbah Family Practice, we’re here to help you make informed choices about when to start a family – and how.

We offer a range of reproductive and sexual health advice and services relating to contraception, pregnancy and post-partum care. We can provide you with expert information, healthcare and support so you can make the best choices about your sexual and reproductive health.

We can speak with you about existing medical conditions, your lifestyle and behaviours, any tests and medication you should consider, and your overall physical and mental wellbeing. Above all else, our goal is to achieve a healthy outcome for both you and your baby.

Speak to a doctor at Caringbah Family Practice today about how best to plan for a family.

  • Your contraception options
  • How to plan for pregnancy
  • Health and wellbeing while pregnant
  • Post-partum advice and care
Book an appointment today